Various Climbing Jobs

Multitudinous assorted climbing jobs with ICS Vertical, Munich.

With ICS Vertical
1 Arabella Park 2 burg 1 2 burg 2 2 burg 3 2 burg 4 2 burg 5
3 Eins 1 3 Eins 2 3 Eins 3 3 Eins view 4 Fried 1 4 Fried 2












1. Arabella Park site safety net.

2. Burgkirchen Waste Factory chimney clean

         - what a truly crappy job!  :)  

3. Einsteinstrasse Munich facade demolition

          - not for the faint hearted !!

4. Friedhof gutter repair







With ICS Vertical
5 gra 1 5 gra 2 5 gra 3 5 gra 4 5 gra 5 5 gra 6
5 gra 7 5 gra 8 6 mitten 6 mitten view    












5. Gaggenauer art photo installation.

6. Mittenwald mobile tower repair.










With ICS Vertical
7 town hall 1 7 town hall 2 7 town hall 3 7 town hall 4 7 town hall 5 8 odeonplatz
8 odeonplatz 9 olympia bird 9 olympia bird view 10 olympia stadium roof 1 10 olympia stadium roof 2 10 olympia stadium roof 3
10 olympia stadium roof 4 11 olympia stadium bird proofing 1 11 olympia stadium bird proofing 2      














      7. Munich Town Hall painting.

      8.Odeonplatz wall cleaning.

      9. Olympia Village bird proofing.

      10. Olympia Stadium Roof rubber gutter repairs.

      11. Olympia Stadium bird proofing










With ICS Vertical

12 olympia stadium cable install 1

12 olympia stadium cable install 2 12 olympia stadium cable install 3 12 olympia stadium cable install 4 12 olympia stadium cable install 5 12 olympia stadium cable install 6
13 olympia tower cable removal 14 olympia village facade concrete inspection 1 14 olympia village facade concrete inspection 2 15 Schwabing chimney repair before 15 Schwabing chimney repair after  













    12. Olympia Stadium cable piping installation.

    13. Olympia Tower internal cable removal (not for the     claustrophobic!)

      14. Olympia Village facade concrete inspection.

      15. Schwabing chimney re pointing / repair.









With ICS Vertical
16 vac 1 16 vac 2 16 vac 3 16 vac 4 16 vac 5 16 vac 6
17 starnberg sign repair 18 Therma Erding 19 Trostberg fire system 20 Tubingen antennae repair 1 20 Tubingen antenna repair 2 20 Tubingen antennae repair view3












    16. Sportsshop wall vacuuming (seriously?)

     17. Starnberg sign repair.

     18.Therma Erding glass roof details and fire door           installation.

     19.Trostberg fire system installation.

     20.Tubingen antennae repair.






With ICS Vertical
   21 ua1 21  ua2 21  ua3    
22 weihanstephan pro 22 weihanstephan main 23 starnberg louvre repair 23 starnberg louvre repair view    











    21. Under Armour head office opening party banners.

    22. Weihanstephan roof safety protection netting.

    23. Starnberg louvre repairs.