Vons Studio 1 (Version 1)

Construction of an "indie" recording complex in an old garment facory in Islington, London.

corr cr 1 cr 2 drum room entry fish
rec area 1 live room rec area 2 rec area 2 rec area 3 rec area 4
that basin! chill 1 corr 2 relax waterfall chill 2



Everybody from Orange Juice and Bad Manners to Gary Moore showed up at this place!

The decor and the vibe made this a jewel in the London indie music world.

Live room with adjustable swing acoustic panels to vary the room acoustics according to the requirements of a particular session.




















In progress
cr blok cr ceil steel cr ceil ww cr shell cr flr cr fl 1
cr flr 2 cr ceil fr cr dr 1 cr dr 2 cr dr3 cr dr 4
cr fx cr rear cr front drm rm flr 1 drm rm flr 2 drm rm fr
drm rm ww drm rm dr lr blok lr - cr lr ww store lr ww push
lr ww lift lr cap rec ren 1 rec ren 2 rec stal waterfall



The construction of the reduction shell was an interesting exercise constricted by space and access.

Sound proofing requirements were considerable due to the proximity of residential and commercial neighbours.


































It didn't look too good at the start !      :)

















 The crew