SAE London V2

Branch upgrade for the worlds leading audio visual educational institution.

  cr dbl door cr left rear diff cr right live room


Constructed, along with the classrooms in an old carriage works in Clerkenwell in London where one could avail oneself of the extended height and clear open unrestricted building space - quite a luxury in London.
Another luxury spot for a state of the art Neve VR console.















In progress
  plaster block main walls dr cr  



After our experiences in Frankfurt we have another foray into using interlaced heavy plaster blocks for wall construction which proves again successful.
Speedy construction of all double walls with solid timber door frames inserted.













  courtyard inside      


Expansive ceiling heights and thick outer walls and ground slabs - what a bonus.
A covered courtyard as well for loading, unloading and occasional fabrication, all independent of the weather.